FasLaps was designed to have a no holds barred, cutting edge, racing interface with an emphasis on style and usability. Rather than limiting our software capabilities by designing a system that would perform well on older technology, we chose to build FasLaps with the best user experience possible. This is why we recommend newer hardware that will support a newer, modern application like FasLaps.
Operating System:
- Microsoft Windows 10 or greater (should work with Windows 7 or 8, but we recommend 10)
Recommended Hardware:
- Processor: Intel I5 or greater (or AMD equivalent)
- Hard Drive: Min 100 meg free
- Monitors should support 1080p (1920 x 1080) or higher. Less resolution may work but some controls may be cut off and inaccessible, and usability of the screen will not be optimal. For the ultimate race director experience we recommend a 2k or 4k screen.
- For Race TV, we recommend any flat panel TV (typically 1080p or 4k) hooked up as second monitor. 1080p or 4k work equally as well. The only benefit for a 4k TV, would be better image quality. Race TV could also use a computer monitor (minimum 1080p). Race TV can also be displayed on the primary monitor of a single monitor system.
Internet Connection:
- Required to install FasLaps.
- FasLaps requires an internet connection upon startup to validate your subscription. However, after your subscription is validated, it will startup without a connection for a few days, but will eventually require you to be connected to validate your subscription again.
- Once the app starts, it no longer requires a connection.